
Luis Sanchez Valderaz Injured in Accident at State Hwy 360 in Arlington, TX

Date of Accident
December 29, 2024
Victim's Name(s)
Luis Sanchez Valderaz
Type of Accident
Car Accident
Alcohol/Drugs Suspected

What Happened

Authorities in Arlington, TX, are investigating a collision on December 29, 2024, at approximately 4:51 a.m. on State Highway 360. A Kia Forte, allegedly driven by a 27-year-old man under the influence of alcohol, struck a fixed object, causing significant damage to the vehicle. The driver sustained minor injuries, while a 31-year-old male passenger was seriously injured. Two additional passengers, including 25-year-old Luis Sanchez Valderaz, reported minor or possible injuries. Alleged contributing factors included alcohol impairment. The investigation is ongoing.

Additional Information

Investigating Officer or Authority
Arlington Police
Vehicles Involved
Kia Forte, City of Arlington Vehicle
State Hwy 360
Apparent/Alleged Cause of Accident

Kia Forte and a City of Arlington Vehicle

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