
Maria Gandara Killed in Accident at Loop 12 in Dallas, TX

Date of Accident
November 19, 2024
Victim's Name(s)
Maria Gandara
Type of Accident
Car Accident
Alcohol/Drugs Suspected

What Happened

Authorities are investigating a crash that killed one person and injured another at SL0012 in Dallas, TX, on November 19th, 2024, around 10:47 p.m. Investigators allege that a black 2009 Mercedes-Benz 300, traveling westbound, failed to control its speed and drive within a single lane, sideswiping a westbound 2007 Toyota Camry. The Camry’s 86-year-old passenger, identified as Maria Gandara, was fatally injured, while the 54-year-old driver sustained possible injuries. Additional details remain unavailable.

Additional Information

Investigating Officer or Authority
Dallas Police
Vehicles Involved
Mercedes-Benz 300, Toyota Camry
Loop 12
Injuries Sustained

Fatal injuries

Apparent/Alleged Cause of Accident

Mercedes-Benz 300 and a Toyota Camry were involved in a collision

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